Quick Start Video

Many real estate investing training programs have good information in them, but the big problem is that you get buried in details and can not figure out how to get started. The Push Button Method is a HUGE program. It is easy to get lost and overwhelmed by it - it is like drinking from a firehose. That is why I created this Quick Start section for you.

2018-08-08T14:38:13+00:00 Quick Start Lessons|

Lease Option Agreement Memo

This video shows you the document and walks you through it line by line so you can understand it and explain it to your Seller. Taking control of a property is as easy as filling out this quick document. Then all you have to do is sell it and take your cut.

2018-07-11T19:22:56+00:00 The For Rent Method|

Online Lease Option Agreement Memo – Introduction

We used to only be able to fax our Lease Option Memo or meet with the seller in person to get them to sign. Then came email and we created a pdf file that we could attach. THEN, at last, we created an online form that will allow the seller to open his browser and digitally sign the form on our own website.

2018-07-11T19:22:50+00:00 The For Rent Method|